Home > VIN Registry > Netherlands > 132670


VIN: ZFFDT57B000132670
Year: 04/2003
Ext. color: Giallo Modena
Int. color: Red-black alcantara
Stripe: Yes (aftermarket)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: Yes
Radio: No
Rollbar: Yes
Fire extinguisher: No
Additional info: yellow calipers (original color black), black 4-point racing harnesses, large carbon racing seats, date start warranty 30/04/2003, date first registration 08/04/2004, was on Italian plates CN188DB, now on dutch plates H397SP
11/2014: imported to the Netherlands
04/2003: delivered new by Rosso Corsa S.r.l.


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2003by Ferrari
2003by Ferrari
2003by Ferrari
2003by Ferrari
2003by Ferrari


2003with Dario Benuzzi

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