Home > VIN Registry > Netherlands > 133638


VIN: ZFFDT57B000133638
Year: 08/2003
Ext. color: Rosso Corsa
Int. color: Red-black alcantara
Stripe: Yes (factory)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: Yes
Radio: No
Rollbar: Yes
Fire extinguisher: No
Additional info: red calipers, black 4-point racing harnesses, this CS was put on display at the IAA carshow in Frankfurt August 2003, first registration February 2004
04/2017: €234500, 16118 km (Forza Service)
09/2011: 14000 km
08/2003: Showcar IAA Frankfurt


May 21, 2017by GRP
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
April 4, 2017by Forza Service
January 15, 2014by Mike Z.
June 10, 2013by AutoGespot
June 10, 2013by AutoGespot
June 10, 2013by AutoGespot
June 10, 2013by AutoGespot
June 10, 2013by AutoGespot
June 10, 2013by AutoGespot
May 15, 2012by AutoGespot
May 15, 2012by AutoGespot
May 15, 2012by AutoGespot
May 15, 2012by AutoGespot
April 12, 2009by AutoGespot
April 12, 2009by AutoGespot
August 2003by unknown
August 2003by unknown
August 2003by unknown

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