Home > VIN Registry > Switzerland > 134405


VIN: ZFFDT57B000134405
Year: 09/2003
Ext. color: Argento Nürburgring
Int. color: Blu Scuro leather
Stripe: No
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: No
Radio: No
Rollbar: Yes
Fire extinguisher: No
Additional info: yellow calipers, black 4-point harnesses, on Swiss plates ZH96824, aftermarket silver 430 Scuderia stripe (now removed)
06/2018: CHF 180000, 29500 km (AutoScout24.ch)
02/2015: CHF 140000, 25591 km (AutoScout24.ch)


June 12, 2018by seller
June 12, 2018by seller
June 12, 2018by seller
June 12, 2018by seller
June 12, 2018by seller
June 12, 2018by seller
May 12, 2017by AutoGespot
May 12, 2017by AutoGespot
May 12, 2017by AutoGespot
May 12, 2017by AutoGespot
October 23, 2016by AutoGespot
October 23, 2016by AutoGespot
October 23, 2016by AutoGespot
October 23, 2016by AutoGespot
October 23, 2016by AutoGespot
May 21, 2015by owner
May 21, 2015by owner
February 10, 2015by AutoScout24.ch
February 10, 2015by AutoScout24.ch
February 10, 2015by AutoScout24.ch

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