Home > VIN Registry > Spain > 134716


VIN: ZFFDT57B000134716
Year: 2003
Ext. color: Red
Int. color: Tan leather
Stripe: No
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: No
Radio: Yes
Rollbar: ???
Fire extinguisher: ???
Additional info: black calipers, owned by CF valencia soccer player Éver Banega, car caught on fire on July 31 (2012) when driving around Valencia soccer stadium, Valencia's fire department is still investigating the fire ( source 1 ) and ( source 2 ), was on Spanish plates 0715 CNG
07/2012: caught on fire


September 27, 2012by Pablo
July 31, 2012by Bekia.es
July 31, 2012by Bekia.es
July 31, 2012by Bekia.es
July 31, 2012by Bekia.es
July 31, 2012by Bekia.es
December 11, 2010by AutoGespot
December 11, 2010by AutoGespot
December 11, 2010by AutoGespot
December 11, 2010by AutoGespot
December 11, 2010by AutoGespot
June 27, 2010by AutoGespot
June 27, 2010by AutoGespot
February 21, 2010by AutoGespot
February 21, 2010by AutoGespot
February 21, 2010by AutoGespot
February 21, 2010by AutoGespot
February 21, 2010by AutoGespot
March 28, 2009by AutoGespot
March 28, 2009by AutoGespot
March 28, 2009by AutoGespot
March 28, 2009by AutoGespot
March 28, 2009by AutoGespot

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