Home > VIN Registry > Australia > 134720


VIN: ZFFDT57C000134720
Year: 11/2003
Ext. color: Rosso Corsa
Int. color: Black leather
Stripe: Yes (aftermarket)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: Yes
Radio: No
Rollbar: No
Fire extinguisher: Yes
Additional info: black calipers, small accident damage in past, previous GB plates CS04 FUN & RK53 FSZ, current Australian plate MA 8908
02/2016: 3100 miles
??/2011: bought and exported to Australia
05/2011: £109990, 3047 miles (Simon Furlonger)


February 8, 2016by owner
June 7, 2011by SimonFurlonger
June 7, 2011by SimonFurlonger
June 7, 2011by SimonFurlonger
June 7, 2011by SimonFurlonger
June 7, 2011by SimonFurlonger
June 7, 2011by SimonFurlonger
June 7, 2011by SimonFurlonger
June 7, 2011by SimonFurlonger
June 7, 2011by SimonFurlonger

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