Home > VIN Registry > Germany > 135911


VIN: ZFFDT57B000135911
Year: 05/2004
Ext. color: Rosso Scuderia
Int. color: Red-black alcantara
Stripe: Yes (factory)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: No
Radio: No
Rollbar: Yes
Fire extinguisher: Yes
Additional info: red calipers
04/2016: €168000, 51000 km (RM Autohandel)

08/2015: 50623 km (Maranello Motors)
03/2014: 46913 km (Maranello Motors)
03/2013: 42478 km (Maranello Motors)
04/2012: 33018 km (Autohaus Isert)
01/2011: 30868 km (Autohaus Isert)
04/2010: 25500 km (Autohaus Isert)
04/2009: 24549 km (Autohaus Isert)
03/2008: 20200 km (Autohaus Isert)
05/2007: 17847 km (Eberlein Ferrari)
05/2006: 12291 km (Eberlein Ferrari)
04/2005: 8423 km (Eberlein Ferrari)


April 14, 2016by RM Autos
April 14, 2016by RM Autos
April 14, 2016by RM Autos
April 14, 2016by RM Autos
April 14, 2016by RM Autos
April 14, 2016by RM Autos
April 14, 2016by RM Autos
November 6, 2013by AutoGespot
November 6, 2013by AutoGespot
June 30, 2013by AutoGespot
June 30, 2013by AutoGespot
June 30, 2013by AutoGespot
June 7, 2012by AutoGespot
June 7, 2012by AutoGespot
May 28, 2012by AutoGespot
May 28, 2012by AutoGespot
May 28, 2012by AutoGespot

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