Home > VIN Registry > USA > 137262


VIN: ZFFDU57AX40137262
Year: 03/2004
Ext. color: Argento Nürburgring
Int. color: Black leather
Stripe: Yes (factory)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: No
Radio: Yes
Rollbar: No
Fire extinguisher: Yes
Additional info: red calipers, Macarbon steering wheel, carbon domelight, carbon F1 paddles, bought new in North Carolina
10/2019: $238500, 14087 miles (K. Watts and Co)
04/2019: $258500, 14087 miles (K. Watts and Co)
10/2018: at the 2018 Euro Auto Festival
07/2017: $250000, 13600 miles by owner
07/2016: $325000 OBO, 13452 miles by owner


April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
April 6, 2019by K. Watts and Co
October 20, 2018by Carolinacarspotter
October 20, 2018by unknown
October 20, 2018by Christopher Cross
August 1, 2016by owner
August 1, 2016by owner
August 1, 2016by owner
August 1, 2016by owner
August 1, 2016by owner
August 1, 2016by owner
August 1, 2016by owner
August 1, 2016by owner
August 1, 2016by owner
July 12, 2016by owner
July 12, 2016by owner
July 3, 2009by FerrariChat

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