Home > VIN Registry > France > 137453


VIN: ZFFDT57B000137453
Year: 05/2004
Ext. color: Rosso Scuderia
Int. color: Black leather
Stripe: No
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: No
Radio: No
Rollbar: No
Fire extinguisher: No
Additional info: black calipers, red 4-point racing harnesses, was on italian plates DF360CK, French plates CS-989-LJ
10/2019: €189500, 31983 km (Charles Pozzi)
07/2018: 30800 km
05/2018: €189900, 30746 km (Charles Pozzi)
??/????: €80000 in Torino
??/????: €115000 in Torino


October 30, 2019by Charles Pozzi
October 30, 2019by Charles Pozzi
October 30, 2019by Charles Pozzi
October 30, 2019by Charles Pozzi
October 30, 2019by Charles Pozzi
October 30, 2019by Charles Pozzi
October 30, 2019by Charles Pozzi
October 30, 2019by Charles Pozzi
October 30, 2019by Charles Pozzi
May 25, 2018by Charles Pozzi
May 25, 2018by Charles Pozzi
May 25, 2018by Charles Pozzi
May 25, 2018by Charles Pozzi
May 25, 2018by Charles Pozzi
May 25, 2018by Charles Pozzi
May 25, 2018by Charles Pozzi
May 25, 2018by Charles Pozzi
May 25, 2018by Charles Pozzi
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November 14, 2012by Mike
November 14, 2012by Mike
November 14, 2012by Mike
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August 11, 2007by AutoGespot
August 11, 2007by AutoGespot
August 11, 2007by AutoGespot
August 11, 2007by AutoGespot

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