Home > VIN Registry > New Zealand > 138419


VIN: ZFFDT57D000138419
Year: 09/2004
Ext. color: Rosso Scuderia
Int. color: Red-black
Stripe: Yes (???)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: No
Radio: ???
Rollbar: ???
Fire extinguisher: ???
Additional info: first registration 01-Sep-2004, was on New Zealand plates CFJ159, on New Zealand plates F36OCS
08/2011: 17453 km
07/2010: 14229 km
04/2009: 12575 km
04/2008: 10908 km
12/2006: 7577 km
12/2005: 3857 km
09/2004: 148 km


December 9, 2018by Frank5107
December 9, 2018by Frank5107
December 9, 2018by Frank5107
December 20, 2017by CarsoftheCloud

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