Home > VIN Registry > Netherlands > 138912


VIN: ZFFDT57B000138912
Year: 2004
Ext. color: Rosso Scuderia
Int. color: Red leather
Stripe: Yes (factory)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: Yes
Radio: No
Rollbar: Yes
Fire extinguisher: Yes
Additional info: red calipers, first registered in Germany, red 4-point racing harnesses, on dutch plates K482SV, was on French plates AH737QX
02/2021: registered on dutch plates K-482-SV
01/2017: €190000, 27701 km (Gapi Motors)
04/2015: 26900 km
12/2009: in France


April 9, 2021by CityGarageTang
April 9, 2021by CityGarageTang
April 9, 2021by CityGarageTang
April 9, 2021by CityGarageTang
April 9, 2021by CityGarageTang
January 17, 2017by owner
January 17, 2017by owner
January 17, 2017by owner
April 9, 2015by owner

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