Home > VIN Registry > Dubai > 139341


VIN: ZFFDT57B000139341
Year: 09/2004
Ext. color: Nero
Int. color: Yellow-black alcantara
Stripe: Yes (factory)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: Yes
Radio: No
Rollbar: Yes
Fire extinguisher: Yes
Additional info: yellow calipers, yellow stitching, first owner was racing driver Ralph Neunteufel
02/2017: £214995, 7200 miles (DK Eng)
12/2014: €???, 7000 miles (DK Eng)
08/2012: €124890, 9100 km (Thomas Ferrari)
04/2012: €124890, 8950 km (Thomas Ferrari)


January 27, 2019by the23collection
December 26, 2018by the23collection
February 16, 2017by DK Eng
February 16, 2017by DK Eng
February 16, 2017by DK Eng
February 16, 2017by DK Eng
February 16, 2017by DK Eng
December 10, 2014by DK Eng
December 10, 2014by DK Eng
December 10, 2014by DK Eng
August 31, 2012by ThomasFerrari
August 31, 2012by ThomasFerrari
August 31, 2012by ThomasFerrari
August 31, 2012by ThomasFerrari
August 31, 2012by ThomasFerrari
August 31, 2012by ThomasFerrari
August 31, 2012by ThomasFerrari
August 31, 2012by ThomasFerrari
August 31, 2012by ThomasFerrari

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