Home > VIN Registry > Germany > 139355


VIN: ZFFDT57B000139355
Year: 09/2004
Ext. color: Argento Nürburgring
Int. color: Black leather
Stripe: No
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: No
Radio: No
Rollbar: No
Fire extinguisher: No
Additional info: yellow calipers (original color black), was on Italian plates CR802PW, was on dutch plates HF-831-K, signature of designer Goran Popovic on the tank lid, black leather upper dashboard (DSH3)

IMPORTANT: Please check history of the car.
06/2021: €179900, 12400 km (Laskowski Cars)
12/2019: €169950, 9915 km (Bernards Exclusives)
06/2019: NO SALE (Catawiki)
06/2019: AUCTION, est. €198k-218k, (Catawiki)
10/2018: €189950, 9900+ km (Bernards Exclusives)
09/2018: €194950, 9900+ km (Bernards Exclusives)
05/2018: €199950, 9900+ km (Bernards Exclusives)
12/2016: €229500, 9900 km (Kroymans)
08/2015: €229500, 9565 km (Kroymans)
??/????: €93000, 8780 km (Achilli Motors)
04/2012: €98000, 8780 km (Achilli Motors)
??/????: €109900, 8780 km (Achilli Motors)


June 16, 2021by Laskowski Cars
June 16, 2021by Laskowski Cars
June 16, 2021by Laskowski Cars
June 16, 2021by Laskowski Cars
June 16, 2021by Laskowski Cars
June 16, 2021by Laskowski Cars
June 16, 2021by Laskowski Cars
June 16, 2021by Laskowski Cars
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
June 10, 2019by Catawiki
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 20, 2018Bernards Exclusives
December 27, 2016by Kroymans
December 27, 2016by Kroymans
December 27, 2016by Kroymans
December 27, 2016by Kroymans
December 27, 2016by Kroymans
August 26, 2015by Kroymans
August 26, 2015by Kroymans
August 26, 2015by Kroymans
August 26, 2015by visitor
February 5, 2013by Achilli Motors
February 5, 2013by Achilli Motors
February 5, 2013by Mike Z.

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