Home > VIN Registry > Netherlands > 139855


VIN: ZFFDT57B000139855
Year: 06/2005
Ext. color: Black
Int. color: Red-black alcantara
Stripe: Yes (aftermarket)
Shields: Yes
Lexan windows: No
Radio: Yes
Rollbar: No
Fire extinguisher: Yes
Additional info: yellow calipers, front damage on Spa, black wheels
02/2012: €115000, 39296 km (Forza Service)


May 28, 2013by AutoGespot
May 28, 2013by AutoGespot
May 28, 2013by AutoGespot
October 13, 2012by AutoGespot
October 13, 2012by AutoGespot
May 18, 2012by AutoGespot
May 18, 2012by AutoGespot
May 18, 2012by AutoGespot
April 18, 2012by AutoGespot
April 18, 2012by AutoGespot
April 18, 2012by AutoGespot
February 21, 2012by ForzaService
February 21, 2012by ForzaService
February 21, 2012by ForzaService
February 21, 2012by ForzaService
February 21, 2012by ForzaService
Unknownby Pterps
Unknownby Pterps
April 5, 2010by AutoGespot
April 5, 2010by AutoGespot
April 5, 2010by AutoGespot
April 5, 2010by AutoGespot
April 5, 2010by AutoGespot
March 15, 2010by AutoGespot
March 15, 2010by AutoGespot
March 15, 2010by AutoGespot
March 15, 2010by AutoGespot
March 15, 2010by AutoGespot
October 17, 2009by AutoGespot
October 17, 2009by AutoGespot
October 17, 2009by AutoGespot
October 17, 2009by AutoGespot
October 17, 2009by AutoGespot
August 24, 2007by AutoGespot
August 24, 2007by AutoGespot
August 24, 2007by AutoGespot
August 24, 2007by AutoGespot
August 24, 2007by AutoGespot
July 25, 2007by AutoGespot
July 25, 2007by AutoGespot
July 25, 2007by AutoGespot
July 25, 2007by AutoGespot
July 25, 2007by AutoGespot
May 2005by unknown
May 2005by unknown


January 18, 2011by Hartvoorautos
March 15, 2010by jorrie2
February 26, 2010by jorrie2
February 24, 2010by Monaro1100
Unknownby AutoGespot

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